Fig, nut and chocolate panettone


Fig, nut and chocolate panettone

A delicious finger sweet, revisited in our Walnut Fig and Dark Chocolate Panettone. An “important” Panettone with an intense and creamy flavor and which shocks due to the clear order in which the ingredients present themselves on the palate, from walnuts to fig, through to dark chocolate. A Must of 2023, our great news!  

The essential ingredients


DARK CHOCOLATE DROPS When it is present it must be the protagonist, kneaded cold it does not dirty the dough, but accompanies it with very tasty oases of sweetness. FRESH EGGS It is the basic and perhaps most important ingredient of panettone because it affects the flavour, colour, leavening and therefore the lightness of the dough. In short, you need excellent fresh eggs to make an excellent Panettone. Condition sine qua non.  


For the Fig, Walnut and Chocolate Panettone we chose “Fiko Paloma”: an exotic and refreshing cocktail that transports the senses on a unique journey. Made with fig-infused tequila from the Sas de Luna orchard and fig leaf soda, this drink offers an innovative interpretation of the classic Paloma. The sweet and juicy notes of the figs blend perfectly with the freshness of the soda, creating a perfect balance between sweetness and liveliness. Ideal for those looking for a distinctive and sophisticated tasting experience.

Pairing studied by Francesco Vavassori of Unplug-Coktail Vibes

View our gallery or visit our social networks Facebook and Instagram! Order your Fig, Walnut and Chocolate Panettone and visit our Shop! Fiko Paloma for Fig, Walnut and Chocolate Panettone 1 Fiko Paloma for Fig, Walnut and Chocolate Panettone 1 Fiko Paloma for Fig, Walnut and Chocolate Panettone 1

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